
After the heroes dodged Vader’s attack on Jabiim, Obi Wan KenobiIn the finale of the rebels, time was running out, the Empire was hot on their heels, and shields were falling.
Obi-Wan realizes this and decides to buy everyone some time to fix things by facing Vader again, even if it could result in his own death. Kenobi gives Leia a goodbye hug, gives the young princess Tala’s (empty, sorry!) holster, and promises her he’ll be back.
On Tatooine, Owen and Beru receive a warning from a friend grilled by Reva that she is on her way. Owen warns Luke to stay put and hide as the Tuskens are raiding farms in the area again. But if something goes wrong, he has to walk.
Obi-Wan tries to communicate with Qui-Gon again and says he has to face Anakin. Whether he dies or his former apprentice, that ends today. Roken is there to see him off, reminding the Clone Wars general that he doesn’t have to. But this is between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, so there’s no turning back.
The Grand Inquisitor notices a getaway ship exiting the transport with one person aboard, but urges Vader to continue pursuing the rebels as this is their chance to wipe them out completely. However, Vader is focused on Kenobi and orders his ship to prepare. Of course, as Obi-Wan prepares for what he believes will be their final showdown, they will meet again A new hope – he finds Lola in his pocket. Leia must have hidden the droid there while hugging him. Smart girl.
Vader follows Obi-Wan’s DropShip to a desolate moon and comes face to face with his former master once again. Obi-Wan draws his blue lightsaber and says the same thing he said to Anakin just before their fight on Mustafar at the end Vengeance of the Sith: “I will do what I have to do.”
“Then you will be die‘ Dad replies. They collide again.
At the same time, Reva arrives at Owen’s farm in search of Luke. A primed and positioned fire pistol from Owen and Beru parrying her, her normally neat braids now loose and slightly tousled after being unceremoniously dismissed by Vader. Luke runs away and the former inquisitor chases the boy to the dunes.
Back on the moon, Vader finds that Obi-Wan’s strength has returned, but “the weakness still exists”. The Sith Lord then uses the Force to bury Obi-Wan under some rocks he hurled and says, “Did you really think you could defeat me? You have failedMaster.”
But Vader didn’t kill his former master with the collapse. Rather, Obi-Wan uses the Force to prevent the rocks from crushing him. Fueled by memories of Luke and Leia, he shoves them up and down, then catches up with Vader. Your lightsaber fight continues.
Obi-Wan fights with everything he has, eventually slashing open Vader’s helmet with his lightsaber. The movement weakens Vader, who gasps with half his face. Then Kenobi sees his Padawan’s face for the first time in years. “Anakin,” he calls.
Through his damaged vocoder – we hear Hayden Christensen’s distorted voice – Vader tells his former master that “Anakin is gone. I am what remains.” Obi Wan tells him he’s sorry for what happened in the past, but Vader dismisses it.
“I’m not your failure. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker – I did,” he notes, before vowing to destroy Obi-Wan in the same way. Realize that his friend really is dead, Kenobi tells the broken man in front of him, “Goodbye, Darth” and walks away. Through an angry voice, a weakened Vader calls out “Obi-Wan!” and collapses to his knees, bracing himself against the rocks.
Sensing that Luke is in danger, Obi-Wan races after the boy in his DropShip. On Tatooine, Luke has fallen after being pushed off a ledge by Reva and sits unconscious. As Reva approaches to kill him, she sees herself as his age, and memories of Anakin slaughtering youths in the Jedi Temple flood up. She now finds herself in Anakin’s position with her lightsaber raised.
Landing on Owen’s farm, Obi-Wan sees both Owen and Beru calling for Luke and prepares to search the dunes for him. But Reva appears in the distance and returns with the unconscious boy in her arms. She reports to Obi-Wan that she could not get rid of Vader’s descendants and as such disappointed her dead friends. Obi-Wan disagrees and insists honored them and gave them peace. When Reva asks if she became Darth Vader, Obi-Wan says no, she chose not to. And who she is now is entirely up to her. Reva places her Inquisitor lightsaber on the sand, and Obi-Wan frees them both.
On Mustafar, Vader speaks to Darth Sidious through a hologram. Sidious notes that Lord Vader seems agitated and wonders if thoughts of his old master have weakened him. Vader insists Kenobi means now Nothing, and he only serves his new master. Call out “Imperial March” while Vader sits on his lonely throne.
Returning to Alderaan, Leia dresses in a modification: Tala’s holster. Both Queen Breha and Bail Organa love the new look, and Leia is poised to become a leader—with a few tweaks, of course. All three are greeted by an arriving Obi-Wan, who offers to help the Organas if they ever need it again.
He also makes it clear to Leia that he doesn’t know her parents. “Princess Leia Organa, you are wise, perceptive, and kind-hearted. Those are traits that come from your mother,” he tells her. “But you’re also passionate and fearless… direct. These are gifts from your father. Both were extraordinary people who gave birth to an extraordinary daughter.”
Kenobi wishes he could reveal more, but Leia says he doesn’t have to. When asked if she will ever see him again, Kenobi may tell her if she ever needs help from a “tired old man.” However, nobody must know, otherwise they could both be endangered. Leia gives him a goodbye hug, and Obi-Wan offers those familiar parting words: “May the force be with you.”
Upon returning to Tatooine, Obi-Wan wears his ancient Jedi robes as he packs up the cave where he has lived for a decade. The former Jedi Master rides an Eopies to the Larses’ farm and is invited by Owen to finally meet Luke. “Hello, there…” he says to the boy.
Shortly thereafter, Obi-Wan is riding through the desert and sees his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, as a Force Ghost. (Hey, Liam Neeson!) He was beginning to think his old master was never coming.
“I was always here, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon tells him. “You just weren’t ready to see it.” But now the kenobi is ready, they have a long way to go….
How did you feel about that big showdown? Obi Wan Kenobiseason finale of ? Were you surprised to see Qui-Gon? And would you want a season 2? Rate the episode and the full season below, then stop in the comments.