The 3 zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on Wednesday June 29th, 2022



We are going through a particularly tough season and this day could make us feel like everything is about to come crashing down on us.

As we absorb all the hard news and current events, days like this weigh heavily on all of us, and the trick will be to find small islands of comfort.

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It is of course to be expected as we have one of the craziest transits affecting us today: lunar sextile Uranus.

This transit is known for stirring things up and we might find that today is the day we rebel against whatever is holding us back.

Uranus is notorious for making people feel like they need to step out in whatever situation they find themselves in.

And today, June 29th, many of us will want to run loudly through the streets.

We want to do something about the issues that beset us, and if we are held back, we will most likely reach a point where only a complete break with what is trying to bind us can satisfy us.

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