
Today’s energy feels incredibly hopeful and optimistic.
Thanks to the Gemini Sun and Aquarius Moon, you’re in the best place to see ways forward when you’ve only seen obstacles before.
However, this means that you have to be clear about what you want to create.
The less sure you are of what you want, the less the universe can help you manifest it.
There may be a fear of articulating what you really want or need because of the possibility that you may not receive it.
Whether it’s love, career, life, or even your personal goals, the goal is to live as if it’s already happening – as if it’s already been created.
This changes the vibration of lack in abundance, and this makes you attract what you want even faster.
Today challenges you to move through your day as if what you long for is already your reality.
The Sun and Mercury are merging in Gemini today, meaning action is at the core of any inner processing or conversation you have with others.
Don’t be afraid to speak up, after all, Gemini encourages you to do so.
As much as it may seem that others should know your intentions or plans, ultimately you are only creating room for assumption until you do.
Be clear with yourself, others, and the universe, and then watch how quickly you manifest what you’ve always wanted.
The 3 zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Saturday, May 21, 2022
1. Aries
(March 21 – April 19)
If it feels like your life has been stressed out lately because of the status of your romantic relationship, then take heart because things are taking a positive turn.
Venus, the planet of love, is making its way through your sign. It’s not a place Venus feels at home, but it is one that makes you sit up and notice what’s going on around you.
This has given you the opportunity to think more critically about what is going on in your romantic relationships, even if there is an overall lack of movement.
Now that you are more aware of yourself, today’s energy will enable you to take action to change things for the better.
In the evening hours, Venus in Aries makes a helpful and romantic connection with the Moon in Aquarius.
This creates the perfect atmosphere for love and romance. It will also help you talk about important things without leading to arguments or hurt feelings.
The moon holds the key to your emotional self, which means you will be in a place where you can share how you’ve been feeling rather than just targeting your partner’s behavior that upset you.
If you are single or finding it difficult to find someone to connect with, then this energy will allow you to show yourself and be more confident when dating. Overall, today is the turning point you’ve been waiting for.
2. Pisces
(February 19 – March 20)
Aries energy always brings focus to your home and family life. Venus, the planet of love, has worked its way through this sign and brought up all sorts of topics related to what home means to you and who you consider a part of it.
You can usually experience a shift in this area during this time and as it is dominated by that determined Aries energy it means things can change very quickly.
Today, Venus unites with the Moon in Aquarius, offering you an opportunity not only to understand more about what you need around your home and family, but to take action to create it.
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Aquarius always helps bring out the unconscious or invisible so you can embrace it and bring more authenticity into your life. Together they create the perfect environment to not only talk to those involved, but also to start planning together.
You are always a deep source of emotions where your power lies. The only thing you need to remember is that sometimes you have to be strong to be soft. Embrace what you want to navigate or create in this area of your life, and then be open to the Universe conspiring to help you create it.
3. lion
(July 23 – August 22)
The Moon in Aquarius will tap into the truth in your heart today. This is your source of energy as you are known for being able to follow this part of you at any cost. The thing that can affect that, though, is when things haven’t been romantic like you would hope, you shut that part of yourself down often.
If you’ve done this in the past, what you’re tuning out is also your inner compass.
Not only do you need to feel like you can follow your heart, you need to allow yourself to do so because it will help guide you in the right direction.
You’re a fire sign and known for being boisterous or dramatic when it comes to what you want and even who you love. But because that heart is involved, there’s a great sensitivity there. Getting emotionally hurt is one of your biggest fears, even if you act like you’re always okay.
Today, the Moon in Aquarius gives you the opportunity to reconnect with this emotional place within you. This will allow you to feel more empowered than you have in a while and more comfortable with the way things have unfolded.
Along with Venus, it instills not only hope but also healing within you, allowing you to see that the fresh start you’ve been dreaming of is finally here.
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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. A spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. You can find more of her work on her website.