The 3 zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on Wednesday June 22, 2022



As Cancer season begins to unfold, Venus transforms into social Gemini, reminding you that not all feelings last.

The Sun moved into sensitive and committed Cancer yesterday, but today Venus, the planet of love, moves into Gemini.

Venus in Gemini is talkative, communicative, social and outgoing and wants to enjoy every moment that life offers.

It is important to remember that not every impetuous feeling of joy leads to long-term fulfillment.

This is a time to get out more, expand your social circle, quit work, and make sure you make more memories than regrets.

RELATED: The 3 Zodiac Signs Telling Their Crush How They’re Feeling During Venus in Gemini from June 22nd, 2022

However, it is important to be careful not to get carried away by Gemini energy, which could make you abandon the truth or your long-term goal for a summer affair, whether romantic or just trying to make the most of this time .

If you can pull it off, today’s energy shift can allow you to think freely, take care of being close to home and enjoy time with friends, but still be able to navigate the waters of decisions that affect the Cancer season has washed up on your shore.

Bringing some moderation to the day’s exuberance, the Moon in Aries aligns with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius to allow you to focus on what matters most and lead you to your dream goal.

During this time it is important to be alert to false promises or promises that are more enticing than they really are.

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