Summary: The reviews for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak are in


Summary: The reviews for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak are in

To say goodbye to June with a bang, Capcom released Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak today. This is paid DLC for the newcomer. Yesterday also saw a regular Monster Hunter Rise update preparing for this expansion.

If you’re still unsure about buying the DLC even after the demo version of the game, we’ve put together a roundup of reviews so far. We also have our own review along the way so keep an eye out for that. And in case you’re curious, here are the patch notes:

Let’s see what the critics had to say about this next chapter in Monster Hunter Rise.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Image: Capcom / via Nintendo

Starting with IGN, it summed up that there were some cool new monsters but not a lot of new ideas. It added a score of eight out of ten to the original game, but gave the DLC one point less – giving it a seven out of ten:

“Sunbreak isn’t nearly as extensive or surprising as Iceborne for Monster Hunter World, lacking in fresh ideas beyond clever AI trailers limited to single-player hunts and even abandoning Rampage quests without really trying to fill the gap to close, which their absence has left .”

The Polygon team enjoyed the DLC but felt they should have jumped straight into the new Monster content:

“With so many good fights sun break, it’s frustrating that it falls prey to one of the biggest villains in AAA video games: bloat. I would much rather see sun break Offer a shorter campaign with more focus on new monsters and give me the opportunity to fight master rank versions of the original roster in my spare time. But instead, I spent the expansion’s opening hours beating up familiar enemies just so I could get to the good stuff. play as such sun break feels a bit like unwrapping an exciting present that’s covered in too much tape.”

PC Gamer gave the computer version 89 out of 100 points. It considers Rise to be “as good as the series has ever been”, but noted that the DLC was essentially “more of the same” and might not have enough “new” content for some fans:

“Monster Hunter Rise is the best this series has ever been, and Sunbreak is a lot more of it. It’s also a lot tougher, but that feels like the right decision. For some fans of the series, one could probably add a 10. It lacks the thrill of the new, even if some of its additions are more significant than first meets the eye, and it essentially functions as a proper endgame to an already expansive experience – well, less than sunset as as sunset. “

The hunters of Twinfinite found “everything old is new” in the Sunbreak DLC – praising it with a score of 4.5 out of 5 and recommending it as “absolutely child’s play” for those who want to dive back in:

“As it stands, Sunbreak represents the very best of Monster Hunter Rise, recontextualizing the base game through its clever integration of old and new. It won’t please die-hard fans who bounced off Rise, but those who loved it Following the changes to the Monster Hunter formula, Sunbreak marks a new high for the series and is an absolute no-brainer for anyone wanting to dive back in. “

And finally, The Mako Reactor gave it a 10 out of 10 – calling it “absolutely essential” for existing Monster Hunter Rise owners:

“Sunbreak expands and improves Monster Hunter Rise in every way. The monsters are more challenging, the music is way better, and the postlude is actually good for more than a few hunts. The new mechanics add even more depth for those who want to dig deeper into each weapon. Even if Capcom hadn’t made a single title update, it would be absolutely essential for any Monster Hunter Rise owner. It’s so good, and I can’t wait to put hundreds of hours into it over the next year.”

Will you give this new DLC for Monster Hunter Rise a try? Tell us in the comments.

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