The love horoscope for each zodiac sign for Monday May 30th, 2022



For Monday Love Horoscope by Zodiac Sign, Resident Astrologer, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events are affecting you on May 30, 2022.

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Read on what the love horoscope for Monday, May 30th, 2022 has in store for your zodiac sign.



Aries, let go of your expectations. Sometimes your thoughts about love can keep you from finding the joy you long for. Wipe the slate clean today and leave room for surprises. Your heart may know what it wants, but your mind may be happy with how you get it.

RELATED: Why Are Aries Single?



Let what is unique about others be valuable, Taurus. You may be thinking of all the ways you would like to change your partner. You are the same person you met before and who was perfect. Perhaps their imperfections are the right balance of what you need in your life right now.

RELATED: How a Taurus Shows Love for Other Zodiac Signs, Per Astrology

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