WWE SmackDown Recap & Reactions: Unions, Suspensions, OMG!


WWE SmackDown Recap & Reactions: Unions, Suspensions, OMG!

This week’s episode of Friday night smackdown was about further establishing the already well-established faction The Bloodline. Paul Heyman has taken it upon himself to call Roman Reigns the greatest of all time, throwing names like The Rock into the air to make that claim.

We’ll keep thinking the match is coming sooner rather than later.

Meanwhile, Heyman also capitalized on the opportunity the Usos would have on that show to become the greatest tag team of all time. He made it clear that they would either become that by defeating RK-Bro and unifying the titles, or they would simply not return to the so-called “Island of Relevance”.

It was one hell of an opening promo from the Master himself, who took everyone by surprise while cheering the Main Event match-up, which already had all the hype it needed. Reigns went one step further and made it clear what he expected. The pressure was there.

It was a brilliant opening segment.

It was particularly brilliant because, if you didn’t know, Reigns would never just let his cousins ​​do the work themselves. He would always show up and make sure they win because The Bloodline has a reputation to uphold and he’s the man to uphold it.

So he showed up when the time was right and he cheated and they won. The details will go down in history – and it will be written by the winners anyway.

The bloodline is high.

And that’s a damn thing for all of us. SmackDown remains interesting largely because of their presence and that even creates fascination for what’s next for Orton & Riddle.

I’ll adapt.

I fully understand that WWE is a company and the way companies are run dictates the powers they must have to play PR games to keep the company looking its best at all times. Sometimes that means Michael Cole completely burying two of the women’s division’s top stars for leaving a show they were scheduled for because they were unhappy with their treatment.

I get it.

It still sucks.

It still feels ugly.

It still feels wrong.

There’s no need for Cole to throw in comments like “they let us all down” while claiming they “disappointed millions of fans and the other WWE Superstars” with their decision. The sole reason for doing so is to make Banks & Naomi look like the enemy, and all that will do is mobilize that segment of the fandom eager to defend WWE’s every move against two stars who are associated with almost certainly going back to work at last.

Whether you agree with the decision or not – and I at least admit that there are enough valid points about how professional it is to do what they did – there is something to be said for the number of wrestlers in recent times Time who’ve done this have decided they’re better off just going as fast as their legs can take them – Toni Storm, Jeff Hardy – than spending even a second more dealing with the bullshit, that comes with working for WWE.

How will what they aired on this show make someone feel better about working there? Do they not care at all?

all the rest
  • Sami Zayn, clad in a Bloodline shirt, still believing he represents the crew, took on Shinsuke Nakamura to deal with him so Reigns and company wouldn’t have to. Of course, he was hilariously beaten. After constantly trying to win by counting, Zayn had to climb to the ring to avoid being counted out himself. He was immediately met and detained by Kinshasa. He is unbelievable.
  • Just saw a promo where Baron Corbin took the name “Big Bald Wolf” that Madcap Moss had given him and made it work while saying “I huffed and puffed and put him in an ambulance” ? Bah gawd I think I did. And how many years in a row has the Andre trophy been blown up? I feel like it happens every year.
  • GUNTHER knocked the trash away from Drew Gulak before Ricochet made the save. It seems like WWE remembered the Intercontinental Championship, and a GUNTHER vs. Ricochet match is intriguing, if only for those massive differences in style. I’m ready to see how the match goes.
  • LA Knight is finally here and his new name is Max Dupri, the CEO of a male modeling agency. He was entertaining enough in NXT so I’m willing to trust him when in doubt and assume he’ll pull through. Stay tuned.
  • How can anyone watch Shotzi disembowel Raquel Rodriguez so right in front of her face and think she deserves less than consistent TV time? Instead, we get the always-smiling, not particularly interesting Rodriguez, brought over by Shotzi. For my money it should be the other way around, but your mileage may vary.
  • Sheamus, Ridge Holland and BUTCH are now known as the “Brawling Brutes”. I’m not crazy about it, but it’s okay. Xavier Woods scored a win over BUTCH but heels were up because it was 3v1 and BUTCH the madman got some revenge as they went out.

Aside from that crap, WWE Cole was talking about Banks & Naomi, that was a damn good show. But he spat that crap, and it’s hard to ignore.

grade B-

It’s your turn.

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