Knee surgery gone wrong? It’s more common than you think, Carrie Jose


Carrie Jose

Carrie Jose

Arthroscopic knee surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries — although research tells us it’s not nearly as effective as most people would like to believe. Additionally, science tells us that people who undergo arthroscopic knee surgery are more likely to have knee arthritis, which progresses more quickly—leading to a total knee replacement, which conceivably could have been avoided.

Arthroscopic knee surgery is a minimally invasive procedure commonly performed to “clean” your knee joint if you have degenerative arthritis or to excise portions of a torn meniscus that could be irritating your knee.

Sounds pretty easy and harmless – right?

Well… it is, until it isn’t. The big problem is that arthroscopic knee surgery is not necessary for most cases of knee pain. If there’s a complication — which are many even with “minimally invasive” procedures — you could end up worse off than when you went in. Also – if you didn’t need the surgery at all – you’re simply sticking your knee through unnecessary trauma that you now need to heal from. This further keeps you from tackling the root cause of your knee pain.

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